Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Depth of Field

f/4 1/160

f/22 1/5

With these 2 photos I wanted to show the different depths of field.  The top image has a shallow depth of field which helps bring complete focus to the dominate subject. The next image has a deeper depth showing a lot more of the background.

Shutter Speed

f/22 4

f/5 1/125

With these next 2 photos they obviously show the difference of shutter speeds. The top photo was a shutter speed of 4 seconds which give that cotton candy look to the water. The next photo was a lot fast shutter speed almost freezing the water in mid air.

Focal Length



I wanted to do something extra to show what focal length does to a photo and how the distortion can happen just by how close or far away you are from your subject. The top photo I was a lot closer to the subject. You can see the back bottle looks further away and the front bottles have a bubble curve. The next photo was taken further away but zoomed in with the lens, so it would match the cropping of the top photo. The subjects look more straight with no bubble distortion and the back bottle lengthens. 

© Copyright 2016 Brooke McArthur. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Yannis Behrakis

© Copyright 2015 Yannis Behrakis

When I was going through Yannis Behrakis Pictures on the Guardian, this particular picture stood out to me. When I first saw this photo... it showed hope. The look on her face says it all, it shows that she can sit down and take a breath. A lot of Behrakis pictures showed hardship and struggle, maybe that is why I pick this one. It shows a new beginning, what can happen after the struggle. The lighting in the picture mirror this perfectly. It's not taken with the sun high in the air, which would have given a completely different feeling. The lines in the sand curve towards her and help offset the straight lines that lead to the city in the background. The attention he gives to the subjects is beautiful. He not only pays attention to the story but what makes a photograph go to the next level. He gets people to become emotional to what they view by not forgetting the technical parts. His work is amazing and honestly breathtaking. 

A Little About Me

© Copyright 2015 Brooke McArthur

I'm currently a Student at Dixie State and working on my last semester at college. I'm excited to use what I have learned here and apply it out in the real world. I am married to the most amazing man and have the perfect German Shepherd puppy. I honestly love my life and have nothing to complain about, I am very blessed. I have always loved the arts and when I came to Dixie I decided to Major in Painting and Drawing. My attention though was quickly taken away from what I though I wanted to major in, to Photography. Once I decided to pursue this, I have never regretted my decision. Photography became another way for me to express myself and help me and others look at things differently. I have always taken "pictures" but never knew how to really take them in the past. Each class has pushed me in a different way and has given me the experiences I needed to become confident in my work. I know Digital Photojournalism will do the same. My objective for this class is to learn more about this part of photography and seeing if it's something I could be interesting in for the future. With almost being graduated with a photography degree, I have the appropriate equipment needed for this class.