Monday, March 28, 2016

Hard News

St. George Art Festival

What I decided to go do my Hard News piece on, was the St. George Art Festival. What I had in mind when I was walking around taking pictures, was the feeling I wanted to capture. Being there was fun, everyone was having a good time and there was a ton to do and see. One of the problems I knew I would have, was getting the correct exposure on my shots. I was taking pictures when the sun was high in the sky and I knew I would be battling with bright highlights and dark shadows. Once I took a couple test shots, I was able to continue with no problems. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Portrait Redux

I always love using window lighting for portrait shots. It gives a variety of looks to the subject I want. For the assignment Shooting Tight, what I used for the model was strictly window lighting. For this assignment I knew I was going to use mostly kids for my subjects so I wanted to use more of a soft window light on them. On the side facing away from the window I would use a reflector to bounce light back onto them, softening their look.

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For this shot I could not get her to sit still, which I actually loved. She has a huge personality and I wanted to see if I could capture that, so I let her do her thing. This was right after she had a chocolate chip cookie and got caught. She knows how to use those cute eyes to get out of anything.

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This shot I wanted to go for more of a glamor look, so I put the reflector more underneath. He is a great model and didn't need a lot of direction. With all the subjects I used, I didn't tell them to do anything or tell them how to model. I told them where to stand and would just talk to them until their personality came through.

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This little guy is just awesome. He was covered in dirt and didn't care to be in front of them camera. This was the first shot I took of him and loved it, which was lucky because after 3 more clicks of my camera he said he done. 

Sunday, March 6, 2016


This assignment was good to learn some basics of portrait lighting. I didn't love being a model though, I definitely prefer to be behind the camera then in front of it.  Below are some of the pictures I took.  It was extremely hard not to edit them though. When I take pictures I have a vision of what I'm looking for and know with each what I'm going to do in post. That part of the assignment was new for me, but it will be fun to see how others edit the pictures and see their take on them. On some of the portraits I saw a look I wanted to capture, so I would zoom in with my camera or know that I would want to zoom in or crop in post. I also paid attention to the sharpness of my pictures, if anything I wanted to make sure my pictures were sharp. It was also interesting to shoot with as many people as we did. I usually am the only person shooting and am able to set up my lights, background, reflectors, diffusers, etc. Saying that, it was good for me to learn to shoot my shots quickly, knowing that I need to use these shots. Overall it was a fun assignment and I did learn a lot.

Rembrandt Lighting

Glamor Lighting

Outside Lighting

(All photos in this section were taken by Nicole Winona)

Favorites of Me

Photo by Nicole Winona
Photo by Annette Frazier